Pastors know that year-end giving is crucial to their church’s financial health. In fact, most churches receive over 30% of their annual donations in December alone! Maybe it’s the joy of Christmas that moves people to give more, while perhaps others simply want to make sure to give their final tax-deductible contributions before the end of the year.

But despite the seasonal increase in giving, many churches still struggle with three common mistakes that threaten to limit the effectiveness of their end-of-year giving campaigns

To help churches identify and avoid these mistakes, Subsplash and Barna recently teamed up to host a live webinar, featuring Barna’s VP of Church Engagement Joe Jensen and Subsplash VP of Marketing & Communication Nick Bogardus. 

Let’s take a look at the top end-of-year giving mistakes and discover how to successfully encourage generosity that makes a big impact for the Kingdom!

This post was originally posted on the Subsplash blog. To continue reading the full original blog post, visit 3 mistakes to avoid with year-end giving to learn more!

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